Mighty Pups Original THEME SONG and Trailer - #Shorts #PAWPatrol
The Mighty Pups PAW Patrol theme song so catchy! Play it on repeat and sing along! PAW Patrol is now available in more languages! UK: / @pawpatroluk SPANISH: / @pawpatrolespanol FRENCH: / @pawpatrolfrancais ITALIAN: / @pawpatrolitaliano PORTUGUESE: / @pawpatrolportugues POLISH: / @pawpatrolpolski DUTCH: / @pawpatrolnederlands BULGARIAN: / @pawpatrolbulgaria CZECH: / @pawpatrolczech GERMAN: / @rafaelpanjak3 HUNGARIAN: / @pawpatrolhungary SWEDISH: / @pawpatrolsvenska DANISH: / @pawpatroldansk MANDARIN: / @pawpatrolmandarin When trouble strikes in Adventure Bay, PAW Patrol is there to save the day! Why? Because no job is too big, no pup is too small! Watch as PAW Patrol works together to keep Adventure Bay safe – whether it’s a cat in a tree, a chicken running free, or a train off the tracks, they always find a way to help those in need! Don’t miss all the fun with PAW Patrol Official & Friends! Check out full episodes of PAW Patrol on Nickelodeon! For more information on PAW Patrol, visit: http://www.pawpatrolandfriends.com Keep up with the latest PAW news! FACEBOOK: / pawpatrol INSTAGRAM: / pawpatrol TWITTER: / pawpatrol #pawpatrol #kidsongs #mightypups