All saints day Novena day 3

All saints day Novena day 3

All saints day Novena day 3 All saints day Novena can be said at anytime of the year for all intentions but it is traditionally said 9 days prior to the feast of all saints The feast of all saints is celebrated in the Catholic Church on 1st November yearly for western churches and on the first Sunday after Pentecost for the Easter rites churches. The feast of all Saints is a holy day of obligation. Holy days of obligations are regarded as Sundays, attending mass is compulsory and staying off work is recommended. All Saints' Day is also known as All Hallows' Day, the Feast of All Saints, the Feast of All Hallows, the Solemnity of All Saints or Hallowmas, The feast of all saints is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honour of all the saints of the church, whether they are known or unknown, popular or not. As you join in this Novena for the feast of All saints , May all your prayers be answered. Amen ==== All saints day Novena day 3 All saints novena day 3 Feast of all saints novena day 3 Novena for the feast of all saints day 3 Novena in honour of all saints day 3 Novena in commemoration of all the saints day 3 All saints day Litany of the Saints Litany of all saints Prayer for all saints day All saints litany All saints day Novena prayers All saints church All saints novena All saints day All saints litany in Tamil All saints litany in Malayalam Feast of all saints prayer #allsaintsday #allsaints #feastofallsaints #holydays #allsaintsnovena #holydaysofobligation #allsaintsfeastday2022 #catholicsaints #catholicsaint #catholicsaintsintercede #saint #allsaintsparish #allsaintschurch #allthesaints