What Does GREEN DOT on Snapchat mean

What Does GREEN DOT on Snapchat mean

Find out the meaning behind the green dot on Snapchat and what it signifies for your profile, Quick Add, and friends list. This video will help you understand everything you need to know about the green dot on Snapchat in 2024. In this tutorial, you'll learn what the green dot on Snapchat indicates, including how it relates to your activity and interactions with others on the platform. We’ll also explain how the green dot is connected to Quick Add and friend suggestions. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 0:20 Step 1: What the Green Dot Represents 0:35 Step 2: Green Dot on Snapchat Profile 0:55 Step 3: Green Dot and Quick Add Feature #snapchat #GreenDotMeaning #snapchattutorial