Difference between Equity & Preference Shares| Equity & Preference Share| Equity vs Preference Share

Difference between Equity & Preference Shares| Equity & Preference Share| Equity vs Preference Share

Equity Shares and Preference Shares Difference Between | Equity Shares and Preference Shares in hindi | Equity vs Preference Shares | Equity and Preference Share Capital 🔴 This video might be useful for students preparing for - 🫵🏻 11th Commerce #11thcommerce 🫵🏻 12th commerce boards #12thcommerce 🫵🏻 CUET #cuet 🫵🏻 CSEET(CS FOUNDATION ICSI) #cseet 🫵🏻 CA Foundation #cafoundation 🫵🏻 UGC NET COMMERCE #ugcnetcommerce 🫵🏻 LLB #llb 🫵🏻 UGC NET LAW #ugcnetlaw 🔴 In this video- Teacher's Name - CS Payal Popli Topic - EQUITY VS PREFERENCE SHARES #padhakulog #typesofsharecapital il #csfoundation #icsi #companysecretary #companiesact2013 #commercestudents #legalaptitudeandlogicalreasoning #cuet #cuetpreparation =============================================== 🫵🏻 Connect with us- 🗣️Instagram- https://instagram.com/padhaku_log?igs... 🗣️Facebook-   / padhaku-log-101091301476679   🗣️Mail id- [email protected] 🗣️Watsapp-9630227777 🗣️Telegram-9630227777 =============================================== ❤️About us: Padhaku Log is a platform specially created for those students who live in remote areas and don’t have access to fancy coaching classes. A channel which wants to bring parity in knowledge level of all.