All Saints Sunday | November 3, 2024 10:00am | Contemporary Worship
Livestream of our 10am Contemporary Sunday Worship from the Community Life Center, music led by our Praise Team. This worship includes music, a sermon, prayers, and communion. It is led by Pastor David Nordstrand and Pastor Heidi Youngquist. Our Praise Team Leader is Josh Powell. Today, we also celebrate the saints living and past. We will take time remember those in our community who have died and have now received a new life in Christ in the past 12 months. School Book Readers and Unexpected Outcomes | Mission Moment (formerly Temple Talk) with Norm Holly 19:58-25:20 To learn more about being a School Book Reader or to donate visit https://www.stlc.org/SchoolBooks Each month during the academic year, the STLC School Book Readers partner with Omaha Public Schools to read to and provide new Scholastic books for students and their classrooms to encourage reading at school and at home. With joy, we're growing and off to a great start for the 2024-25 school year! We serve 1st-3rd Grade students at OPS' Jackson and Benson West Elementary Schools and this year we're adding 1st Grade at Fontanelle Elementary to the list of students served! More students = more books and more readers needed! Join the School Book Readers! Please prayerfully consider sharing your time. If you'd like to join in reading to the students, please contact Anita deFreese. (Contact the church office at (402) 894-2040 for Anita's contact information.) Donate to School Books for School Kids! Contributions are continually accepted year-round to purchase the books that are given to students. You can contribute via: STLC.org/GiveOnline. Click "Contribute" under "School Books for School Kids". Venmo.com/STLCOmaha. Comment "school books" Text the amount of your contribution to 833-464-1698 followed by "schoolbooks" (example: 50 schoolbooks). Make check payable to St. Thomas Lutheran Church, MEMO: School Books. Place in an offering box or the church office or mail to us at 17007 Q Street, Omaha, NE 68135. Cash in an envelope with your name and "School Books". Place in an offering box or the church office. Thank you: for your generosity toward this ministry! to everyone already serving as School Book Readers and to all who want to serve! to Beth Holly for organizing the books! Questions? Speak with Anita deFreese or contact the church office at (402) 894-2040