VERDICT Meaning in Urdu/Hindi | Verdict ka Matlab Kya Hai? | English Vocabulary

VERDICT Meaning in Urdu/Hindi | Verdict ka Matlab Kya Hai? | English Vocabulary

VERDICT meaning in Urdu with correct pronunciation and explanation by example sentences. Verdict ka matlab kya hai or is word ko darust tariqe roz mara conversation mein kese istemal krte hein. Ye sub batein is video mein btayi gai hein, aap rozana nay alfaz seekh sakte hein sirf @Alams1 per #VerdictKaMatlab #VerdictMeaninginUrdu #VerdictMeaninginHindi #VerdictKaHindi ............... Example Sentences ................. 1. We are waiting for the final VERDICT of the court. 2. Whatever is your opinion but final VERDICT will be given by grandfather. Indeed Meaning in Urdu:    • INDEED Meaning in Urdu/Hindi | Indeed...   Though Meaning in Urdu:    • THOUGH MEANING in Urdu/Hindi| Though ...   Awesome Meaning in Urdu:    • Awesome Meaning in Urdu/Hindi | Aweso...   Convenient Meaning in Hindi:    • CONVENIENT Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai | L...   Comprehensive Meaning in Hindi:    • COMPREHENSIVE Meaning in Urdu/Hindi |...   Accommodation Meaning in Hindi:    • ACCOMMODATION Meaning in Urdu/Hindi |...   Disclaimer: This channel does not promote or encourage any illegal activities, all contents provided by this channel #Alams1 is meant for educational purpose only. …………………………………………………………….. I declare that all slideshows and videos on this channel #Alams1 belong to me. Images and clips used in video creation are taken from Pixabay and Google Image search and using advanced image search option. All images are fairly used for video creation and are for educational purpose only. We never try to victimize anybody religiously, socially, politically or emotionally. ……………………………………………………………… Narrator voice is of Ejaz Alam @Baba Ejaz Alam Facebook:   / alams1com   Twitter:   / alams1com   Website: