Mouth Cancer (Hindi) || 1mg
This video will talk about mouth cancer (मुँह का कैंसर) also known as oral cancer. The expert in this video will discuss the causes (कारणों) of mouth cancer, the affected areas in mouth cancer and the symptoms (लक्षणों) of mouth cancer. Also know how you can treat mouth cancer . Is video me jaane mouth cancer kis kis karan se hota hai aur mouth cancer ka ilaaj kaise ho sakta hai. Kya mouth cancer sirf tobacco ya cigarette peene se hota hai? Kya मुँह में छाला mouth cancer ka lakshan hota hai? Mouth cancer ke treatment ke liye konse doctor ke paas jaana chahye? इस वीडियो में हम मुंह के कैंसर के बारे में चर्चा कर रहे हैं I जानिए मुंह के कैंसर के लक्षण और कारण क्या हैं I साथ ही यह भी जानिए कि मुंह के किन हिस्सों में कैंसर हो सकता है I इस वीडियो में डॉक्टर बता रहे हैं कि मुंह के कैंसर (Mouth Cancer) का इलाज कैसे कराएं ? Timestamp: 0:23- symptoms of mouth cancer 0:50- affected areas of mouth cancer 1:14- causes of mouth cancer 1:40- diagnosis of oral cancer 2:40- treatment plan for oral cancer 3:34- FAQ’S about oral cancer Subscribe to our channel for more videos and get an answer to your queries: http://bit.ly/Subscribe_1mg mouth cancer,mouth cancer symptoms,oral cancer,mouth cancer in hindi,mouth cancer symptoms in hindi,mouth cancer ke lakshan,cancer,mouth cancer treatment,oral cancer symptoms,mouth cancer ka ilaj,oral cancer in hindi,head and neck cancer,symptoms of cancer in hindi,muh ka cancer,symptoms of mouth cancer,oral cancer treatment,early signs of mouth cancer,throat cancer,tongue cancer. Connect with us on:- Facebook: / 1mgofficial Twitter: / 1mgofficial Visit our website at http://bit.ly/Subscribe_1mg