How to Care for Your Nipples – Pregnancy & Breastfeeding | Sore or Cracked Nipple Care
Nipple care during pregnancy and post-delivery is very crucial to ensure one’s breastfeeding journey is safe and happy. In this video, we shall talk about some tips that can help keep one’s nipples hale and healthy and protection from sore, cracked nipples. Watch this video in Hindi - • गर्भावस्था और स्तनपान के दौरान निप्पल... Read the full article here - https://bit.ly/3FOXOEs Recommended Watching 🔹 Introducing Solids to Babies: https://bit.ly/3JFPh98 🔸 12 Simple Tips to Increase the Breastmilk: https://bit.ly/3FJPVzN 🔹 Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions: https://bit.ly/3sLPmlF 🔸 How to stop breastfeeding naturally?:https://bit.ly/3sLPnpq 🛍 Shop Link: https://shop.totsandmoms.com/ 🛍 Buy Nursing Pads here: https://amzn.to/3JwRCTA 🛄 Amazon Store Link: https://www.amazon.in/shop/totsandmoms 📞 Call or Whatsapp : +918884447337 🛒Links to buy 🛒 Try our chemical-free and organic products for mothers, toddlers, and kids 👉 Banana Almond Pancake Mix: https://bit.ly/3xkoGYm 👉 Sprouted Ragi Powder: https://bit.ly/3wzIGFl 👉 Millets & Nuts Porridge Mix: https://bit.ly/3C4PIW0 👉 Red Rice Cereal: https://bit.ly/2Ytgt7T #totsandmoms #momcareTAM #nipple #nipples #nipplecare #pregnancy #breastfeeding #breastmilk #pregnant #nipplecareduringpregnancy #nipplecareduringbreastfeeding #breastfeed #nipplesores #nipplecracks #nippleshield All details shared in this video are basis discussions had with specialists in medical profession and/or my personal experiences. Every baby is different and hence I request you to consult your doctor before trying any remedies or suggestions in our videos. Kavitha Prashanth #totsandmoms #KavithaPrashanth