Sunday Morning Worship 10-30-22
We are so glad you are joining us for worship today! Sunday is definitely our favorite day of the week - we get to see you, and we get to worship God together - it doesn't get much better! If there is any way that we can serve you throughout the service today, please let us know. Here are a few ways to connect: Drop a comment in the live thread Send us a private message (PM) Email us at [email protected] We'd love for you to participate with us as we go through service today; here's a few things to help you make the most of your online experience: • Sing with us when we sing • Stand when we stand • Pray when we pray Also, if you'd like to worship by Giving financially, here's a few options for you: Mail it to 5925 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 Text the word 'Give' to 833-910-3743 Through the mobile app 'Tithe.ly' and search for Metro Pentecostal Church and then select the ministry of your choice We really are thrilled you've joined us today! We pray God richly bless you and minister to you where you are. If you are new to Metro or just checking us out, we'd love to get to know you better and be a part of your journey of faith. If you'd like some more information on how to take the next steps just click here -- https://metroupc.com/contact-us/ Thanks again for being here! God bless you!