Raspberry Pi: Install & Setup Ubuntu Server

Raspberry Pi: Install & Setup Ubuntu Server

Need to install Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi? I walk you through using Raspberry Pi Imager to flash Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi 5, Raspberry Pi 4, or any older model! I'll also show you how to disable cloud-init and set a static IP on your Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu Server OS! === Chapters === 00:35 Install Raspberry Pi Imager 01:07 Flash Ubuntu Server 02:01 Set Hostname, User | Enable SSH 03:16 Boot/Login to Ubuntu Server OS 03:32 Disable cloud-init 04:16 Set Static IP Address 07:11 Apply netplan Config 07:37 SSH into Ubuntu Server === Commands Used === sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disable (Disable cloud-init) sudo reboot (Reboot Raspberry Pi) ip link (List network interfaces) cd /etc/netplan (netplan config directory) sudo rm 50-cloud-init.yaml (Delete auto-generated network config) sudo nano 01-netcfg.yaml (Create/Edit network config) sudo netplan apply (Apply netplan config changes) ip addr (Check IP address) === SUGGESTED VIDEOS === Raspberry Pi - Install Ubuntu Core:    • Raspberry Pi: Install Ubuntu Core OS   Raspberry Pi - Ubuntu Core Setup | SSH:    • Raspberry Pi: Ubuntu Core Setup | SSH   #raspberrypi #raspberrypi5 #raspberrypiprojects #raspberrypi4 #ubuntu