Sunday Holy Eucharist | Sunday Holy Mass at 8.15 am, Jan 22, 2023 | St. Joseph Church, Mira Road.
Sunday Holy Eucharist, 8.15 am, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road. Sunday January 15, 2023 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (YEAR – A) FOURTH DAY OF NOVENA IN PREPARATION FOR THE FEAST OF INFANT JESUS Begins with Mass Intentions at 8:12am, The Angelus, and the Holy Eucharist at 8:15 am. READINGS OF THE DAY: 1st Reading: Isaiah 8:23 - 9:3 (8:23b-9:2 Vulg.) Psalms 27:1,4,13-14; 2nd Reading: 1Corinthians 1:10--13,17; Gospel: Matthew 4:12-23 RESPONSORIAL PSLAMS: The Lord is my light and my help.. Alleluia, Alleluia! Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the kingdom, and cured all kinds of sickness among the people. Alleluia!