walking snakehead | original art tutorials #satisfying #creativeart #drawingforbeginners
walking snakehead | original art tutorials @bluehanddrawing Blue Hand Drawing channel is a learning platform for all types of drawings, art, sketch and paintings. This channel mainly focus on drawing tutorials for beginners or new learners. As you know, A nice drawing express itself. Paintings are great source of communication between many eras. Arts and crafts always enhance creativity, increase emotional soundness, boost problem solving skills and reduce stress. We all need great imaginations to be a successful artist. My aim is to show people how to start this creativity in most easiest ways. In many drawings, I played with light, shade and shadow within my artwork. Also I have shown the depth of colors, thickness of shades and variations of gradient colors, means smooth transition of multiple colors when blend together. Blue Hand Drawing channel will show drawing videos in various mediums. You can see drawing tutorials on pencil sketch, color drawings, arts and crafts, acrylic paintings and oil pastel drawings. Drawing made easy and fun here. Also introducing amazing ways of art. All the creative arts are very interesting, fun doing and mind blowing endeavors. I always try to explain the drawing features with original audio. You can easily understand the drawing tips and tricks. In shorts you can also find many easy drawing ideas. This channel focus on the most popular drawings and easy drawings for the beginners. Medium of instruction is English here for universal audience. Explanations are simple and easy for basic learners. Most of my canvas are DIY homemade canvas, made with bamboo, wood, paper and other materials. Please browse through the playlist to select your own choices. Stay with us and You can find thousands of drawings in so many categories. Select your freedom of choices and start learning in a easy way. The drawings of the playlist include Scenery drawing, Acrylic Painting, Water color painting, Fish drawing, Country Map drawing, People & Figure drawing, Face & portrait drawing, Animal drawing, Comics Character Art, Cartoon drawing, House drawing, Circle scenery drawing, Vehicle drawing, Boat Drawing, Aircraft drawing, National flags drawing, Vegetables drawing, Fruits drawing, Tree drawing, Pen drawing, Pencil sketch, Color pencil drawing, DIY arts and crafts, Flower drawing, Romantic Couple Drawing, and many more to come in future. Please subscribe the channel for regular updates and stay connected. Everyday we will bring more interesting videos. You can also find other links in the banner of this channel. My other YouTube channel links are also available at the bottom of the home button. Learn in a easy way. Enjoy the drawings and have fun. God bless you. Cheers. #bluehanddrawing #shorts #fishdrawingeasy #fishdrawingforkids #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #easyart #colordrawings #drawingtipsandtricks How to draw a fish step by step (very easy) Fish Drawing Easy | how to draw fish from beginners How to draw Fish easily | Easy Fish Drawing | Fish Drawing Fish Drawing For Beginners || How to Draw Fish Step By Step || Easy Fish Drawing With Color How to draw fish Drawing easy step by step || Magic fish drawing with color for beginners How to draw easy Fish Step by Step | Drawings Tutorials for Kids some drawing learning related topics: Blue Hand Drawing easy fish drawing for kids cute easy fish drawing very easy fish drawing simple easy fish drawing easy fish drawing with color how to draw fish easy how to draw fish realistic how to draw fish in water how to draw a fish in water step by step how to draw fish cartoon @drawfast68 how to draw a cartoon fish how to draw fish easy way fish drawing tutorial easy easy fish drawing tutorial how to draw a fish very easy fish drawing for beginners easy fish drawing for beginners cartoon fish drawing for beginners @YTartschool basic fish drawing simple fish drawing step by step how to draw a fish underwater how to draw a fish using shapes how to draw a fish using numbers how to draw a fish step by step realistic fish drawing with pencil color how to draw a fish with colored pencils pencil drawings of fish fish drawing color pencil fish drawing pencil easy sketch of a fish @ssavaart free online drawing lessons step by step how to sketch easy for beginners sketch lessons for beginners learn to sketch for beginners learn to sketch with pencil quick easy sketch simple things to sketch for beginners easy drawing tips drawing tips and tricks for beginners basic drawing tips for beginners you can also follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram: / rubel.viu LinkedIn: / arifuzzaman-rubel-7935946a Twitter: / rubel1833 Pinterest: / rubelmcc