God of War Ragnarok Part 18 BOSS FIGHT Playthrough PS5 Gameplay (Playstation 5)

God of War Ragnarok Part 18 BOSS FIGHT Playthrough PS5 Gameplay (Playstation 5)

What's up people! SilentNinjah here, Today, I got you another God of War Ragnarok video. Here's Part 18 where we start the The Reckoning mission and have a BOSS FIGHTS. I am on Mic for the first time. Let me know how it sounds and if you have any feedback, comment down below. Hope you're enjoying the game! I FINALLY got the Platinum trophy in God of War (2018). Check it out at the end of the cideo or down below in the playlist. I am vision-Impaired so you'll see some Accessibility options enabled. I have not played the first three God of War games but I did take the time to watch God of War 1, 2, 3 playthroughs. And I just beat God of War (2018). So I know what has happened thus far. Let me know If you enjoyed the video, please Like, Comment, and Subscribe. I'd appreciate it! Have a great week! Follow Me: INSTAGRAM: @SilentNinjah_ TWITTER:   / silentninjah_   God of War Ragnarok -    • God of War Ragnarok - INTRO Playthrou...   God of War (2018) -    • First time playing God of War Intro W...   MultiVersus -    • MULTIVERSUS - Wonder Woman Vs. Arya S...   Gran Turismo 7 -    • Blind Person Learning How to Drive in...   Spider-Man: Miles Morales -    • The First 23 Minutes of Spider-Man: M...   Battlefield 2042 -    • Battlefield 2042 -Blind Guy Unbelieva...   Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) -    • Call Of Duty Modern Warfare- FAL on S...   Mortal Kombat 11 -    • Mortal Kombat 11 - Scorpion Vs. Subze...   GTA 5 -    • GTA 5 Online The Fast and the Furious...   #godofwarragnarok #gameplay #ps5 #ps4