24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 4, 2022
To support our Our Lady of Grace's online ministry please click the link below: https://membership.faithdirect.net/CA771 Thank you for watching LIVE - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 11, 2022. Please click: the like (thumbs up) button, share button (to share with others), and subscribe button (so you never miss a video or mass). Also, don't forget to leave a comment below. Thanks! For more about Our Lady Of Grace Parish, please visit: https://www.OurLadyOfGrace.org Follow us on: Facebook: / ourladyofgraceencino Instagram: / olgencino The Our Lady of Grace parish is alive with prayer, celebration, community and fellowship! We are: “A community called to know, love, and share Jesus and transform our world.” Please enjoy our live, streamed and other previous recorded content created for you here and on our website.