Set Any Song As Ringtone in iPhone

Set Any Song As Ringtone in iPhone

Hi guys in this video I’m gonna show you how you can set any song as iPhone ringtone and you can set any song from Instagram ,YouTube or any website set as ringtone in iPhone with this simple iPhone ringtone setting. Ringtone Shortcut link :- Point covered in this video :- 1. how to set any song as ringtone in iphone 2. how to make a ringtone on iphone 3. making a song as ringtone iphone 4. how to set any song as ringtone in iphone 5. how to set ringtone in iphone Thanks for watching guys if really like effort do subscribe my channel Technical wiz. for more interesting video stay tuned with me... Follow me on instagram:  / technicalwiz   for business inquires: [email protected]