SHEIN TRY-ON HAUL | shipping + customs + quality |SOUTH AFRICAN YOUTUBER
*********WATCH IN 1080P********* Hey there beautiful people Apologies for the audio, today we have a mini shein try on haul, everything needed regarding delivery, shipment, customs Is detailed on the video. Should you have further questions, feel free to leave your question in the comment section. Time stamps Shipping - 0:00 Customs - 0:52 Haul - 1:50 How to shop(advice) - 18:29 More videos to watch Hairband wig review (baffalo logistics experience) • HEADBAND WIG REVIEW ft Wequeen |South... Please do subscribe comment and like this video. Let's connect Instagram :@fisokuhle_mabuza Twitter :@Fisokuhle_mabuz TECH Film: Huawei P20 lite Lighting : natural light and a ring light Editing: power director For business/collaboration: [email protected]