Hypertension | Clinical Medicine
Premium Member Resources: https://www.ninjanerd.org/lecture/hyp... Ninja Nerds! During the upcoming lecture, Professor Zach Murphy will delve into Hypertension (HTN), a medical condition classified as either Primary (Essential) or Secondary HTN. The lecture will extensively cover the various causes and pathophysiological mechanisms underlying HTN, as well as the potential complications that may arise. Additionally, the lecture will tackle the diagnostic process, highlighting critical physical examination findings that can aid in identifying HTN. Finally, the lecture will explore the various treatment options available for individuals with HTN. Table of Contents: 0:00 Lab 0:07 Hypertension (HTN) Introduction 0:37 Pathophysiology | Primary (Essential) HTN 5:49 Pathophysiology | Secondary HTN 17:59 Stages of HTN (ACC/AHA Guidelines) 19:43 Complications | Cardiovascular Disease 25:36 Complications | Neurologic Disease 27:42 Complications | Renal Disease 30:01 Complications | Retinal Disease 31:54 Diagnostic Approach 33:48 Treatment Guideline of Chronic Hypertension 35:52 Antihypertensive based on Comorbidity 38:57 Treatment of Hypertensive Crisis 41:35 Comment, Like, SUBSCRIBE! Retired Ninja Nerd Lectures: • Hypertension | Retired • Hypertensive Crisis • Pathophysiology and Diagnosis of Hype... Ninja Nerd Website | https://ninjanerd.org Ninja Nerd Podcast | https://podcast.ninjanerd.org Ninja Nerd Store | https://merch.ninjanerd.org / ninjanerdlectures / ninjanerdlectures / ninjanerdlectures / @ninjanerdsci / discord #ninjanerd #cardiovascular #hypertension