Orthros and Divine Liturgy | December 26, 2021

Orthros and Divine Liturgy | December 26, 2021

Christ is born! Glorify Him! Thank you for joining us. If you are "visiting" our church online, and especially if you are new to Orthodox Christianity, you can follow along with the full text of Orthros and Divine Liturgy online at the following links: https://antiochianprodsa.blob.core.wi... http://www.stgeorgenj.com/the-divine-... Today’s hymns, epistle and gospel readings can be found here: https://www.antiochian.org/liturgicday/ You may also find it useful to read more about the purpose and meaning of the Divine Liturgy here: http://ww1.antiochian.org/introductio... We also have a 5-part “Introduction to Eastern Christianity” video lecture series that can be viewed on both Facebook and YouTube at the following links:   / 415598753039965      • Introduction to Eastern Christianity   If you have any questions, please reach out via Facebook message, by email at [email protected] or by phone at 316.636.4676 (office open Monday - Friday 9 AM - 4 PM Central Time). We would love to welcome you to our parish in person, but also welcome you to continue worship here with us online. We live stream Orthros and Divine Liturgy beginning at 8:45 AM Central Time every Sunday. All live streams and past videos can be viewed on Facebook or YouTube here:   / stgeorgewichita      / @stgeorgewichita