Playmobil Advent Calendar 5494 - Santa's Workshop - Day 02

Playmobil Advent Calendar 5494 - Santa's Workshop - Day 02

Today I get to open door number 2 of my Playmobil Advent Calendar 5496. You will find a link to yesterday’s video in the description. German/Deutsch - Announcement - Day 1 - I do not work for Playmobil and I am not sponsored by them. Twitter: @neogoose My setup: NIKON 1 J4 camera (main camera) Canon EOS 350D Audio Technica AT2020 USB+ microphone (needs a pop filter) Audio Technica ATH M50x headphones Neewer 160 LED Lights x2 on $10 tripods AVS4YOU Video Editor 7.1 Audacity English isn’t my first language. Please let me know, if you spot any mistakes.