100% Effective | Eat these 3 Food for Fast Weight Loss | SADHGURU
👉 3 Foods for Better Digestion, Sugar Control & High Energy Levels | Sadhguru 👉Tips to Eat Right & Sleep Less For Students - Sadhguru - Spiritual Life 👉Benefits Of Millets ➡To receive free food tips, Health tips, Ayurveda and lifestyle tips, Yoga tips, and program updates, join us Telegram: https://t.me/+ESxZ89NXiOk1ODQ1 WhatsApp: https://tr.ee/shlloka-whatsapp-yogiclife ➡ Get free tips on diet, nutrition, health, and Ayurveda by joining Shlloka - Classical Yoga Teacher's channel on: YouTube: / @shlloka8983 Today in this video, we will cover - Sadhguru on Eating Food. To save you time, here are the timestamps:👇 00:20 - Intro 00:58 - Sadhguru On Sadhguru on Eating Food 01:40 - 1. Foxtail Millet 02:38 - 2. Flaxseeds Millet 02:53 - 3. Horse Gram Millet 03:34 - About Horsegram 05:30 - Outro About This Video : Millets are tiny in size and round in shape and can be white, grey, yellow, or red. Millets are major food sources for all climatic regions of the world and feature in the traditional cuisine of many others. Millets are one of the ancient foods known to humans and possibly the first cereal grain to be used for domestic purposes. Millets provide good amounts of iron, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins. Today’s food does not have nutrition but only chemicals that are injurious to health. Millets are the exception as they grow without chemicals and with high nutrition. Millets are truly miraculous grains. They can grow on the most marginalised soils – without irrigation, and with very little or sometimes no external inputs. They are veritable storehouses of health and nutrition. Besides, millets are also the pivot around which vibrant agro-biodiversity survives, wherever it is allowed to survive. Millets can be cultivated without using groundwater or any irrigated water. Their energy requirement from sources such as chemical fertilisers, pesticides, water, and power can be near zero. Millets are the only solution to all kinds of crises, including that of water, nutrition, and climate change. By any nutritional parameter, millets are miles ahead of rice and wheat In terms of their mineral content. Each one of the millets has more fibre than other cereals and grains which are commonly used by us. It is scientifically proven that finger millets have at least twice the amount of calcium compared to rice. In their Iron content, foxtail and little millet are so rich that rice is nowhere in the race. While most of us seek a micronutrient such as beta carotene in pharmaceutical pills and capsules, millets offer it in abundant quantities. The much-privileged rice, ironically, has zero quantity of this precious micronutrient. In this fashion, nutrient to nutrient, every single millet is extraordinarily superior to rice and wheat and therefore is the solution for the malnutrition that affects a vast majority of the Indian population. Millets can be consumed daily and can also be used mixing with wheat and rice-based products. Kids should be given millets in the form of regular foods or in terms of snacks. With millets, we can do all varieties of food starting from idly, dosa, kichadi, main meals, south Indian traditional snacks such as murukku, Adirasam, and also tasty laddoos. Millet food is highly useful in building dietary fibres which are used for building immunity. There is a misconception that millets are hard to digest. It is a slow digestive product but provides high energy for working. That is why millets are excellent for diabetics. We'll see you soon. Pranam. Facebook: / shlloka Instagram: / shlloka Team Associate with the Channel ⬇️ Video Edited By: Filmonk Entertainment Website- https://filmonkentertainment.com Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/filmonkente... Channel Managed by: Buddy Tezz (Tejendra Badiwal) Instagram: / buddy_tezz Email: [email protected] #food #millets #sadhguru