What Should You Do When Chest Pain Occurs? | Kauvery Hospital Trichy | Tamil Shorts

What Should You Do When Chest Pain Occurs? | Kauvery Hospital Trichy | Tamil Shorts

If you ever experience chest pain, it's important to stay calm and know the right steps to take. Understanding the immediate actions to take and recognizing when to seek help can make all the difference. In this video, Dr. B. Vijayasekaran, Consultant - Interventional Cardiologist at Kauvery Hospital Trichy, explains the essential steps to follow if chest pain occurs. https://www.kauveryhospital.com/docto... #KauveryHospital #KauevryHospital Trichy #ChestPainAwareness #HeartHealthMatters #HeartAttackPrevention #KnowTheSigns #ChestPainRelief #EmergencySteps #CardiacCare #HeartHealthFirst #HeartAttackAwareness #ChestPain