skin disease picture with name | skin problem with name,cause, symptoms, common treatment,

skin disease picture with name | skin problem with name,cause, symptoms, common treatment,

skin disease picture with name | skin problem with name,cause, symptoms, common treatment, watch skin disease with notes :- scabies :-    • scabies in hindi | the itch | cause, ...   psoriasis:-    • psoriasis skin disease in hindi | Cau...   pemphigus :-    • Pemphigus in hindi | cause, symptoms,...   eczema :-    • eczema | atopic dermatitis | in hindi...   urticaria:-    • urticaria nursing lecture in hindi | ...   impetigo:-    • Impetigo | impetigo skin infection - ...   ringworm:-    • Ringworm fungal infection in hindi | ...   vitiligo:-    • leucoderma ( vitiligo ) - causes, sym...   burn injury:-    • Burn nursing lecture in hindi | burns...   video contain:- skin has approx 3000 disease in which some are rare but some are common occur in people. In this video i try to cover some common skin disease which are important for exam with picture, cause, symptoms, common treatment and common nursing care this video cover following skin problem- 1. acne 2. eczema (atopic dermatitis ) dermatitis 4. psoriasis 5. pemphigus 6. Urticaria (hives) 7. scabies 8. ring worm infection 9. Vitiligo 10. Rosacea 11. Shingles 12. folliculitis 13. wart Some disease still remaining which are cover in next video other search term:- common skin problem skin disease in hindi exima skin disease what is urticaria symptoms of skin disease common treatment of various skin disease what are the cause of skin disease what is wart what is ringworm what is scabies what is psoriasis psoriasis symptoms scabies symptoms axima skin disease eczema symptoms what is vitiligo care of skin disease #nursingveda #skindiseases #skindiseasespicturewithname #eczema #scabies #psoriasis #urticaria #ringworm #wart #rosacea #shingles #vitiligo