Matthew 16:13-20: The Pivotal Moment When Peter Declared Jesus the Messiah

Matthew 16:13-20: The Pivotal Moment When Peter Declared Jesus the Messiah

esus begins a significant conversation with His disciples In Caesarea Philippi. He asks His disciples about the Son of Man and who He is. Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. Jesus commends His disciple for God’s revealing this to him, and tells him that such bold faith will lead the church to overcome culture and Hades itself. Jesus also tells Peter that He will give him authority to act on behalf of kingdom of heaven. See what we live stream here: ► WATCH more stories: ► PARTNER with See our information page here: ► PARTNER with The inspiration and encouragement don’t stop here; find us on the social networks you love most: Facebook:   /   Instagram:   / rokuchry   Twitter:   / chrytv_tv   The inspiration and encouragement don’t stop here; find us on the social networks you love most: Facebook:   /   Instagram:   / rokuchry   Disclaimer: The content presented on this channel is intended for informational and discussion purposes. We want to emphasize that we are not theologians or experts in Christian theology. The discussions and opinions expressed on this channel are based on our personal understanding, for thought-provoking purposes, "In Our Living Room," and interpretation of the topics being discussed. We encourage viewers to consult with qualified theologians or trusted religious authorities for a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of Christian teachings and professionals in various fields. We acknowledge that there may be differing interpretations and beliefs within the Christian community, and we respect the diversity of perspectives. Our intention is to create a safe and open space for dialogue, where we can share our thoughts and learn from one another.