A beginner's guide to flexibility for ballet! Professional ballerina how-to ❤️
How do ballet dancers get flexible? I’ll be showing you the stretches I did as a kid back when I used to be really stiff! They’re easy to remember and helpful for even the most inexperienced beginner. BALLERINAANDHOME Hi, I’m Jeanette Kakareka! Professional ballerina with a passion for⇩ BALLET // TRAVEL // DIY // RECIPES+ instagram ➭ / jeanettekakareka blog ➭ https://ballerinaandhome.com SUBSCRIBE for more vids ➭ / @jeanettekakareka It’s requested A LOT to talk about how I got flexible/how to improve flexibility/what stretches to do. WELL, today I finally give the people what they want! When I was a kid I was really really REALLY not flexible! I had a lot of catching up to do when I first joined a preprofessional ballet school, so I spent a lot of time stretching on my own. In the video I show you the EXACT SAME stretches I did. Well, it worked for me! And while I do think genetics play a big part in what your capable of achieving, it’s important to unlock your own potential so you can feel your best! ➭ Video on how I became a professional ballet dancer, explaining more details about my story as a student: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4O57... ➭ Since this video, I've also published an ankle strengthening guide! I give four exercises you can do in any small space with just a theraband and a pilates block • Ankle strengthening exercises for bal... professional image used in video as “after” shot was taken by Sergei Gherciu in Raymonda at Bayerisches Staatsballett outro music written + produced by my brother Charles Kakareka / charleskakareka Clouds by Joakim Karud / joakim-karud-clouds-royalty-free-soundtrac...