Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord | May 29, 2022 | 8:00 AM Mass
[LIVE] Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord | May 29, 2022 | 8:00 AM Mass Mass Presider: Rev. Fr. Carmelito Q. Limbaga, Jr. CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS SUNDAY ASCENSION, OUR HOPE AND OUR CHALLENGE Today, Ascension Sunday, we recall the glorification of Jesus Christ who, as a man, has been called to share in the glory of God. His ascension also reminds us that heaven is our destiny. That is what we have been created for. That is where we will find the perfect fulfillment of all our aspirations. But before we reach such a glorious destination, we have to do our share in the fulfillment of God’s plan for ourselves and the rest of humankind. Jesus wants that we become more and more involved in the building of the Kingdom. That’s why Jesus’ ascension is also the indispensable premise for the beginning of the evangelization of the world through the Church. Today is also “Catholic Communications Sunday,” an observance that emphasizes the importance of the Media in the work of evangelization and catechesis, the need to pray for all those involved in the field of social communications. Let us include them in the intentions for which we offer this Eucharist. Please Subscribe to our YouTube Channels: Couples for Christ Negros Oriental: / @couplesforchristnegrosorie2213 padrejunlemz: / @padrejunlemz To support our Live Streaming, you may send your love offering through: Metrobank - Dumaguete Real Branch Account Name: Roman Catholic Bishop of Dumaguete Account Number: 443-7443-90970-9 | Swift Code: MBTCPHMM GCash Transaction — 09174317088 Please send a copy of the deposit slip or transaction to [email protected] for your official receipt. #SaintJosepthTheWorkerParish #padrejunlemz #CFCNegrosOriental #DioceseofDumaguete #GiftedtoGive #500YOC #MissioAdGentes