YOU ARE A CHOSEN ONE | So NEVER Reveal These 3 Things

YOU ARE A CHOSEN ONE | So NEVER Reveal These 3 Things

YOU ARE A CHOSEN ONE | So NEVER Reveal These 3 Things Do you feel like you were meant for something more? This powerful message explores the signs of being chosen by God and the 3 crucial things you MUST keep hidden to fulfill your purpose! Discover: The true meaning of being "chosen" and why it's not about being better than others. Eye-opening examples from the Bible of unlikely heroes chosen by God. Warning! The 3 things you must NEVER reveal to protect your calling. How to live a set-apart life that glorifies God (it's not what you think!). Encouraging prayer and message to empower your spiritual journey. Feeling lost or overlooked? This message is for YOU! #chosenones #chosenonessigns #spiritualgrowth #spiritualawakening #signsyouareachosen #god #jesus #dontmesswiththechosenones #spiritualawakeningsigns #youareachosenone #neverrevealthistoanyone #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualgrow sermons #divine ---------------------- Thanks for watching, Please Subscribe :) ========================================== 👉 Subscribe for more Videos: ========================================== ✅ Share this video with your friends and family: ✅ Watch our other interesting videos: WATCH 🎥:    • what is God's calling for my life? 3 ...   WATCH 🎥:    • Lot's Wife A Lesson in Faith   ======================================== Which one is your favorite? Let us know by commenting below! Enjoyed this video? Hit the like button and subscribe to our channel for more videos like this! Thanks for watching!