Gall Bladder - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth
Half a million people lose their gall bladders annually and removal of the pear-shaped organ located in the upper right-hand part of your body is one of the most common of all invasive procedures. Without a gall bladder, your risk for nutritional deficiencies, intestinal health issues and gall bladder removal can wreak havoc on the health of the skin, cause dryness, oiliness, blemishes, dark spots, rashes and eczema. If you have your gall bladder, you want to keep it make sure you're staying away from problem foods. The most important controllable cause of gall stones is food intolerance and digestive distress. If you've had your gallbladder removed, make sure you're supplementing with fatty vitamins, DHEA and K, as well as omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids. And you'll want to use digestive enzymes and bile salts with all your meals. Probiotics are important, apple cider vinegar can be helpful and lecithin granules taken with fatty foods can support processing in the intestine. Find more Alternative Empowering articles, videos and sign up for our newsletter at: http://criticalhealthnews.com/?uid=10... Click Here To Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2GO9Cvn Follow Us On Twitter: / criticalhealthn Follow Us On Facebook: / criticalhealthnews #Ben Fuchs #CriticalHealthNews #Nutrition #Coast2CoastAM