June 26, 2022 - Second Sunday After Trinity
Welcome to Saint Andrew's Church Holy Communion Sunday Service live stream! Thank you for watching! For more biblical teaching and encouraging content visit St Andrew's YouTube channel and consider subscribing. ---- A teaching on the orphan spirit for Father's Day. ---- St Andrew's, established in 2001, is a parish that worships in the Anglican tradition located in the college town of Gainesville, Florida. The 10:15 AM Holy Communion service is a mixture of traditional hymns and contemporary praise framed by worship through the Eucharistic liturgy. For more information about our W.H.O.L.E. church visit our website at http://www.standrewsgainesville.com/. You can also support the ministry by giving to St Andrew's at https://onrealm.org/standrewsgainesvi... Links ********************* Website: http://www.standrewsgainesville.com/ Facebook: / standrewschurchgainesvilleflorida YouTube: / @standrewsgainesville Giving: https://onrealm.org/standrewsgainesvi...