LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar Day 16 - Building the Endor Base! 🏞️🎁

LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar Day 16 - Building the Endor Base! 🏞️🎁

Day 16 of our LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar brings a pivotal reveal - the Endor Base! 🚀✨ In this stop motion, witness the construction of this iconic location from Set 75366-1. Dive into the Galactic holiday countdown as the Endor Base takes center stage. Curious about this LEGO Star Wars set? Learn more about Advent Calendar 2023 Set 75366-1 Subset Day 16 - Endor Base. Subscribe for daily LEGO Star Wars holiday enchantment! 🧱🎅 #LEGOStarWarsAdvent #EndorBase #BuildingGalacticJoy 🌟#ALegoaDayKeepstheSadnessAway #lego #lego #legos #legophotography #legostagram #legominifigures #instalego #legomania #legofan #legophoto #legocity #legogram #legomoc #legoart #toyslagram_lego #legolife #lego_hub #legominifigure #legominifigs #legoaddict #legobricks #legocreator #legography