The Tooth Fairy (Analog horror )
The Tooth Fary (Analog horror ) this video creative ideas are inspired by @foxymations3671 plz check him out music at the middel is Cartoon dog them . This video was inspired by tooth fairy tales all the music and sound effects are used in this video belong to there respective owner our cahnnel does not own claim over them its for fair use. #vhs #vhstapes #analoghorror #horror #stories #animation #scary #fnafanimation #horrorcartoon Tags : vhs FNaf analog horror animation stories horror springtrap VHS Tapes five night at freddy Fnaf animation animated stories SFM video VHs ChuChu tv fan made analog horror littel red ridinghood analog horror analog horror reaction analog horror series tooth fairy littel red ridding hood analog horror horror cartoon three littel pighs fary tales