Walk Alone (The Song) Fearless Motivation

Walk Alone (The Song) Fearless Motivation

Walk Alone (The Song) Fearless Motivation (I WALK ALONE) Download or stream it here: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/20... iTunes: https://goo.gl/55Re5P Spotify: https://goo.gl/kd7vTg GooglePlay: https://goo.gl/MPwRCy Apple Music: https://goo.gl/55Re5P AmazonMP3: http://amzn.to/2tHdT9q WORLDWIDE MP3 Download: LYRICS: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/20... PERFORMED by Alpha + Julianno: Julianno -   / thejulianno      / @thejulianno6809   Alpha:   / alphamusicindustries   Produced by Jones 2.0, Fearless Motivation Lyrics by Jones 2.0 -https://open.spotify.com/artist/6XeLD... Music Created by Patrick Rundblad: https://fireborn.hearnow.com VISUAL Created by CRAM Digital Creations 3D Artist - Marc Purnell © Fearless Motivation Follow Fearless Motivation for DAILY MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS and other content: YouTube:    / +teamfearless   Facebook:   / fearlessmotivationofficial   Instagram:   / fearlessmotivationofficial   Twitter:   / fearlessmotivat   Soundcloud:   / fearlessmotivation   FEARLESS MOTIVATION Official Apparel & Merch store: https://goo.gl/Q3VnLi "I walk alone I’m at peace when I’m on my own It can be hard, it can be tough Chasing greatness can be a lonely road Sometimes I look back and think look how far I’ve grown Sometimes I look back and think look how far I’ve flown Those who fly alone have the strongest wings I’ve got a few scars and If I had to do it again I wouldn’t change a thing All the tough times All the cold nights I learned to fight alone, it made me strong alone You aren’t weak if you cry After the tears dry, they evaporate And you begin to rise I don’t need the attention or the recognition And I still thrive I made a choice to live my life on my terms I can’t keep the real me locked inside So I walk alone I walk alone I’m okay on my own The journey made me strong I walk alone I walk alone" License details for music and speech use: https://goo.gl/c9BL0P Share, Comment, Subscribe :) #WalkAlone #WalkAloneSong #Alone