9 things I wish I knew before moving to Germany
Thinking of moving to Germany either to have a better quality of life or unlimited access to pretzels and beer? Well here are some things I wish I knew before that would make my life a bit less confusing. If you would like to support & donate my silly little videos: https://ko-fi.com/helloerika This is based on my experience living for now almost a year here, which is crazy to think about. 00:00 moving to germany 00:10 apartments 00:48 employment 01:51 on parties on sunday 02:50 water! 03:14 recycling explained 04:38 cash money 05:12 cost of living 05:40 public transportation 07:00 healthcare Let me know of you have any tips and trick in the comments below as well :)) Just some links and sources: Great resource about recycling: https://www.simplegermany.com/trash-g... Hours of work in germany: https://boundlesshq.com/guides/german... https://www.simmons-simmons.com/en/pu... Bicycle: https://www.avantitravelinsurance.co.... instagram for aesthetics: @helloerikapeanut tik tok for randomness: @helloerikapeanut Buy me a Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/helloerika Disclaimer: Sorry if you see misspellings, it happens more often then i notice. Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the video. Anyways remember, you matter ✨ and see you soon! ✨