Boost Your Vocabulary: Master Advanced English Words
DIFFERENT USES OF THE WORLD "COME" #english #words#advancedlearning Ready to master English words? Watch this video to learn all about the various uses of the word "come." Improve your vocabulary and language skills now! Here are some of the primary ones of "come": As a Verb: To move toward/towards a place or person: Example: “Can you come here for a moment?” To arrive: Example: “The RTC red bus comes every 15 minutes.” To happen or occur: Example: “The opportunity came at the right time.” To reach a state or condition: Example: “He came to realize the importance of the project.” To be derived from: Example: “The word “Café” comes from French.” Idiomatic Expressions: Come across: Meaning: To find or meet by chance. Example: “I came across my old friend at the market.” Come up with: Meaning: To think of or produce (an idea or plan). Example: “The manager came up with a brilliant solution.” Come around: Meaning: To change one’s opinion or decision. Example: “She’ll come around to our way of thinking eventually.” Come to terms with: Meaning: To accept a difficult situation. Example: “My sister has come to terms with her loss.” Come in handy: Meaning: To be useful. Example: “This tool will come in handy for the repairs.” As a Noun (less common): An act of coming: Example: “My uncle’s sudden come was unexpected.” Some more examples: Vaishanavi comes from Ram Nagar. Sweet memories come to me when I remember my days in Hanamkonda. She came off with flying colors/colours. My mother’s dreams come true. This problematic issue never comes to an end. Children come under their parent’s hug. I came into contact with Damodar in BIE on May 11, 1978. You will come across a new building on the left. Come along the main road. All these examples illustrate the versatility of the word “come” in different contexts. Please LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE our channel, @englishquizzes3. Have fun and education with these videos. Best wishes. #english#spokenenglishintelugu#viral #laughnlearn #viralvideo #englishlearning #easyenglish #learnenglish #dailyenglishsentences #englishgrammar #englishspeaking #englishwriting #spokenenglish #dailyenglish #diaryinenglish #englishthroughtelugu #englishlanguageskills #listening #readenglish #currentenglish #simpleenglish #laughandlearn #LSRW#usesofcome#come You are welcome to suggest your examples in the Comments Section.