Shapes Song | Lear Shapes with pictures | toddler learning video | fun educational video for kids

Shapes Song | Lear Shapes with pictures | toddler learning video | fun educational video for kids

Shapes Song | Lear Shapes with pictures | toddler learning video | fun educational video for kids Welcome to kidshub87! This Shapes Song is a fun and engaging way for preschoolers, kindergarten, and homeschooling kids to learn about 2D shapes with colorful cartoon animations! Watch as we explore shapes in English with pictures and sing along to this exciting nursery rhyme. Your little ones will learn to recognize and name different shapes like circle, square, triangle, and more while enjoying this fun learning video for students. Inspired by popular shapes songs like Pinkfong, Cocomelon, ChuChu TV, and Little Baby Bum, this video makes learning easy and interactive. ⭐ Learn the names of shapes 🎶 Enjoy the shapes song with effects Watch shapes song adventure 🖍️ Discover shapes with colors and objects Perfect for kindergarten, preschool, and homeschooling, this video helps kids identify shapes in everyday objects while having fun! ✅ Don’t forget to Like, Share & Subscribe for more kids learning videos from ‪@Kidshub87‬ #shape #shapes #theshape #shapesong #shapesforkids #shapesdrawing #kidssongs #shapesforchildren #shapesname #best #shapeslearning #englisheducationalvideo #learning #learningvideos #nurseryrhymes #nursaryrhymes #nurserysongs #learning #childrensongs #toddlersongs #babysongs #education #english #vocabulary #preschool #kindergarten #trending #viralvideo #fyp #foryou #unfrezzmyaccount #cartoon #poem #esl #kidshub87 #homeschooling #funwithshapes Shapes Song - THE KIBOOMERS Preschool Songs for Circle Time Learning Shapes 🔹Lesson 4 🔹PART 1 Educational video for children (Early childhood development). Shapes Song | Nursery Rhyme | Children Song | Video for Children & Babies Watch some of our fun learning videos: Sense Organs, 5 Senses, Sensory Organs, Sense organs with their functions, Sense organs for kids.    • the five senses song|sense organs|i h...   Fruits for kids, Fruits, Fruits Name in English, Fruits with Pictures & spelling.    • Fruits Name for Kids | Educational Fl...   LEARN VEGETABLES, Vegetables Pictures & Spellings, Vegetables Names in English, Vegetables for kids.    • Vegetable Name and Pictures | Learn D...   Best Platform for kids, toddlers, children's. Thanks for watching and sharing. The Shapes Song | Nursery Rhymes | Nursery Rhymes With Lyrics Shape Song | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Shapes Song - 31 Kids Songs and Videos | CoComelon Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Shapes Song | The Shapes Song | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Song | Pak Kids Search keywords: Shapes song The shapes songs shapes cartoon shapes song pinkfong ‪@PeppaPigParodies‬ shapes colour shapes name shapes song cocomelon shapes song effects shapes song little baby bum shapes song for kindergarten shapes song for kids shapes song chu chu tv the singing walrus shapes song the shapes song nursery rhymes the shapes song rhymes with lyrics giggles the 2d shapes song the train shapes song the shapes song more nursery rhymes shapes in english with pictures shapes in english and spanish song shapes in english name shape kaka song Geometrical shapes Kidshub87 Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs is home to popular baby songs that educate & entertain toddlers & preschoolers through music & story-telling! Children can dance & sing along to classic & new rhymes for kids & cartoon songs like Baby Shark, Wheels on the Bus, Johny Johny Yes Papa, Five Little Monkeys & more! Follow us on social media: Facebook: Tiktok: Instagram: Pinterest: In this lesson, your child will see basic geometric shapes on the screen and hear their names, thus associating the shape with its name. Besides, the shapes will have different colors that your child has already learned from our previous videos. Children do not need to constantly look at the screen - it is sufficient that they do their own thing and occasionally glance at the screen. Multiple repetitions ensure that the child will see the shape a few times and remember its name. You also do not need to make any additional effort - simply turn on the video, when the child is playing in the same room, and the child will learn these shapes without any effort on your part. The video is accompanied by beautiful classical music, which also contributes to the musical development of the child as well as the child's intellect. ‪@SuperSimpleSongs‬ ‪@ChuChuTV‬ ‪@CoComelon‬ ‪@Pinkfong‬ ‪@babybus‬ ‪@MoonbugKids_Lullabies‬ ‪@lullabybrahms‬ ‪@Wonderfullullabieschannel‬ ‪@KidsDianaShow‬ ‪@toysandcolors‬ ‪@BabySensoryBedtimeSongs‬ ‪@NuBeforeSleep‬ ‪@kidschannelindia‬ ‪@jasonstephensonmeditation‬ ‪@Moonbugkids-ColorShapesNumbers‬ Copyright ©️ kidshub87. All rights reserved.