sharir ko detox kaise kare - शरीर की गंदगी साफ करें 1 दिन में Detox your Whole Body in Just One Day
In this video, you will learn about, sharir ko detox kaise kare - शरीर की गंदगी साफ करें 1 दिन में - Detox your Whole Body in Just One Day ayurvedguide.com/shop #drseemagupta #howtodetox #howtodetoxyourbody #bodydetoxkaisekare #sharirkodetoxkaisekare #detox #sharirkigandagikaisesaafkare #bodydetox Friends, I am Dr. Seema Gupta, Rtd. Senior Medical Officer, Ex House Physician, Gyne & Obstetrics, serving humanity in the field of health for the last 26 years, by advising Health principles and healing ailments. I follow the principle that prevention is always better than cure. The aim of This channel "Ayurved Guide" is to spread Health Awareness in society. Thanks for Watching My Videos. Like and Share the videos if you like them. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND HIT THE BELL ICON Watch these videos also, jale ke nishan ko kaise hataye पुराने से पुराने जले निशान को दूर करेंHome Remedies to Heal Burn Fast • jale ke nishan ko kaise hataye पुराने... Period jaldi lane ke upay - Periods jaldi kaise laye - Period jaldi lane ka tarika पीरियड्स जल्दी • Period jaldi lane ke upay - Periods j... estrogen level ko kaise kam kare - Hormones Imbalance - एस्ट्रोजन लेवल कंट्रोल करने के 5 तरीके • estrogen level ko kaise kam kare - Ho... Pregnancy me mitti khane se nuksan - प्रेगनेंसी में मिट्टी खाने से होने वाले नुकसान जाने • Pregnancy me mitti khane se nuksan - ... anto ki kamjori kaise dur kare - एक मात्र औषधि-आंतों की कमजोरी को दूर करने के लिए, aanto ki safai • anto ki kamjori kaise dur kare - एक म... DISCLAIMER - Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Our channel shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel. Wishing you good health, fitness, and happiness. You can watch more videos on Ayurveda and Health By clicking on the links below Health Care in English http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideHealthCareE... Ayurveda http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideAyurveda Healthcare in Hindi http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideHealthCare Super Foods http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideSuperFoods Beauty Care http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideBeautyCare Healthy Diet http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideHealthyDiet Detox http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideDetox Yoga and Exercise http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideYoga Navratri Health Special http://bit.ly/AyurvedGuideNavratriHea... You Can MAIL ME AT [email protected] SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL BY CLICKING BELOW / ayurvedguide / @dr.seemagupta https://www.youtube.com/ @drseemadrayurveda / @lovelylookstips1 / @leothechow / @bestayurvedaremedies FOLLOW ME ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE / ayurvedguide / drseemagupta50 / femmecarebydrseemagupta / bestayurvedaremediesreels / freshhealthquotes / leothechow1 / ayurvedaremediesinenglishbydrseemagupta FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM / drseemagupta47 / leothechowcute / drseemaguptaayurvedguide FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER / guptadrseema FOLLOW ME ON LINKEDIN / drseema-gupta-640a92178 FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST / ayurvedguide FOLLOW ME ON REDDIT / seemadr50 Topics covered in this video Ayurved and its benefits #Ayurveda #ayurvedic #healthtips #healthylifestyle