Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 15 - Amina - Video Review!

Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 15 - Amina - Video Review!

Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 15 - Amina - Video Review! Alright what’s going on guys it’s Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we will be doing our weekly review for this week’s episode of Fear the walking dead. This one is for episode 15, Amina. Major Spoilers for this episode, and I do mean MAJOR SPOILERS. Oh man, guys I think this is it. I think this is the episode where Fear the Walking Dead’s end has begun. I really don’t think they can come back from this one. We find out that the rumors were true, Alicia is leaving Fear the walking dead. As such, we are left with somewhat of an open ended ending for her, where it feels like she may have survived, or she may have just died. Either way they have basically confirmed Alicia is dead or won’t be in the series anymore. So we don’t even get to see a single scene between her and Madison. Honestly after how Season 7 has gone, this might be the end for Fear. I am going to give this episode a 0 out of 10. I think they did something in this episode that the series really cannot handle. I think Season 8 will likely be the final season for Fear the walking dead. If it isn’t, likely season 9 will do it. I don’t think bringing Madison back is going to help very much. Maybe a little, but, this is really bad. I want to see the comments, is this the end for Fear? Thanks for watching! Trev saying peace! #fearthewalkingdead #fearthewalkingdeadalicia #fearthewalkingdeadalycia