गर्भ में बच्चे के गले में गर्भनाल लिपट जाने पर क्या करना चाहिए l Umbilical Cord Around Baby Neck
गर्भ में बच्चे के गले में गर्भनाल लिपट जाने पर क्या करना चाहिए l Umbilical Cord Around Baby Neck About this video- Friends aaj ke is video me maine bataya hai ki pregnancy ke dauran garbh me bachche ke gale me garbhnal kyo lipat jati hai.. #umbilicalcord #placenta #garbhnal #baby #pregnancy #inthewomb #babyneck #garbhavastha #hindi #bachchekegalemegarbhnalfasjana #reshusvlogs 🖤Reshu's Vlogs is a channel created to share personal experiences with it's audiences, none of the recommendations of this channel are sponsored by any products or company. The information provided on this channel is for general purpose only. We also are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor before taking any medication or trying any remedy suggested in our videos. I am not an expert on this field and everything shown and expressed in this channel is based on my personal experience. All the content and images on this channel belongs to me and are protected under copyright low. Kindly do no copy or reproduce content without my prior explicit permission. Share, Support, Subscribe !!! Also SUBSCRIBE my baby care channel.. Reshu's Baby Care / @reshusbabycare For Business Enquiry Email:-- [email protected] About: Reshu's Vlogs is a YouTube Channel, where you will find Pregnancy and Baby care videos in hindi , New Video is Posted Everyday:)