Sunday, December 22nd, 2024; The 4th Sunday in Advent, Love

Sunday, December 22nd, 2024; The 4th Sunday in Advent, Love

Mill Creek Christian Church Disciples of Christ The 4th Sunday in Advent, Love Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 Martin L. Voiers II, Minister Christian L. Kalb, Organist Welcome to Mill Creek! We hope that our Advent service will enrich your spirit and guide you along the way of Christ. If you are visiting, we ask you to sign our guest book of attendance in the entrance. May the Lord bless you and keep you safe! The Prelude Mrs. Hannah Wright, soloist O Holy Night arr. Adolphe Adam & Carl Deis The Gathering Words for the Sunday of Peace Minister The Responsive Call to Worship Minister & The People Leader: Our souls proclaim your greatness, O God. People: And our spirits rejoice in you. Leader: We will praise you as long as we live. People: We will sing praises to you our whole lives long. Leader: We will not trust in the power of this world, People: But will trust in you-Creator of heaven and earth, Leader: The One who gives food to the hungry, People: The One who enacts justice for the oppressed. Leader: Our souls proclaim your greatness, O God, People: As we worship you in this place, for God is doing a new thing! All: Come, let us praise our God! † The Advent Hymn of Love No. 168 It Came upon the Midnight Clear † Invocation & Lord’s Prayer Minister & The People Lighting of the 4th Advent Candle, Love The 1st Scripture Reading Minister Micah 5:2-5a Pew Bible pg. 820 OT A Responsive Litany to the Light Lighting of the Candle of Peace Carol & Steven Walker Words of Response to the Light Minister The Congregational Response (sung) Bulletin Insert † The Hymn of Proclamation No. 191 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing The 2nd Scripture Reading Minister Luke 1:39-55 Pew Bible pg. 54 NT The Words of Assurance & Call to Prayer Minister Prayer Concerns & Joys The People The Advent Prayer Hymn No. 169 O Little Town of Bethlehem The Pastoral Prayer Minister The Service of Holy Communion The Communion Meditation Minister The Communion Hymn No. 175 O Come, All Ye Faithful The Communion Prayer Kathy Voiers, Elder The Serving of Elements Deacons The Words of Institution Minister Partaking of the Elements (In Unison) All The Call to Give Jim Rice, Elder The Collection of Tithes & Offerings Deacons † The Doxology No. 7 † The Offertory Prayer Jim Rice, Elder The Service of Holy Baptism Preparation for the Baptism Minister The Presentation of the Candidate Minister The Profession of Faith Hadley Walker, Candidate The Prayer of Thanksgiving Minister The Baptismal Hymn No. 188 Child in the Manger The Baptismal Litany (Bulletin Insert) Kathy Voiers & The People The Sacrament of Baptism Minister & Hadley Walker A Message through Music Joe Clark Because It’s Christmas arr. Manilow, Sussman, Feldman The Presentation of the Bible Minister † The Hymn of Presentation No. 179 What Child Is This The Presentation of Special Offerings All (All are invited to bring their special offering and place them in the manger) † The Advent Hymn of Sending No. 171 Silent Night! Holy Night! † The Benediction Minister † The Postlude Organist † -Denotes congregational standing if able