"If God Created Us Then Who Created God"- Best Answer
Curious about one of the most profound questions in theology? Dive into this fascinating exploration of God's eternal nature and the age-old question, "If God created the universe, who created God?" From biblical revelations to the philosophical musings of Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, we unravel the Christian belief that God is the "uncaused cause," existing outside of time, space, and the laws of the universe. Join us as we discuss both theological perspectives and modern scientific challenges from thinkers like Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking. Discover how the concept of God's eternity isn't just about creation, but about His timeless relationship with humanity. We'll break down arguments like the First Cause, Ontological Argument, and the Kalam Cosmological Argument, all of which point to a divine creator beyond human comprehension. Stick around until the end, where we unpack how God's eternal nature influences free will, moral responsibility, and the ultimate purpose of life. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more thought-provoking content! #GodEternal #WhoCreatedGod #UncausedCause #FirstCause #ThomasAquinas #BigBangTheory #StephenHawking #ChristianityExplained #ScienceVsReligion #KalamCosmologicalArgument #BibleTheology #ChristianPhilosophy #OntologicalArgument #GodAndTime #RichardDawkinsDebate #CosmicCreation