Begin Your Day with THIS Morning Prayer | Short Prayer for the Day
Be Blessed and Continue to Live in Purpose! Begin Your Day with This Morning Prayer. I hope this prayer blesses you. You can meditate or read along with this prayer. ✨Like this video ✨Subscribe to our Christian YouTube Channel @blessedandpurposedwoman ✨ Comment AMEN if you finished this prayer. ✨ Or add your own prayer in the comments ✨ Share this video and encourage someone today! ✨ Add this video to your daily prayer routine. Welcome to the Blessed and Purposed Woman YouTube channel where you can find a collection of Christian affirmations for positive thinking, morning meditation with God, and Bible verses for encouragement. Join us for prayer, including short prayers, morning prayer, evening prayer, prayer thanking God, and powerful prayers. Let's pray together and express our gratitude to God through a short prayer. Discover daily prayers of faith, grace for purpose prayers, and reflections on Psalm 91 and more. Tune in for spiritual upliftment and guidance as we journey together in faith. ✨ You can find an extended version of a Psalm 91 Prayer here: • Psalm 91 Prayer for Protection and Gu... ✨WANT MORE PRAYER VIDEOS? View the Prayer Playlist • Prayers ✨TRY THESE AFFIRMATIONS • Christian Affirmations Prayer Excerpt: "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10). #dailyprayer #shortprayer #morningprayer #morningprayerbeforeyoustartyourday #prayerformorning #startyourdaywithjesus #asimpleprayertothankgod #prayerforprotection #christianmotivation #gratitude #prayeveryday #dailyeffectiveprayer #familyprayer We again thank you for watching and encourage you to view additional content from this channel.