Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe | मैसूर पाक कैसे बनाएं
#GaanvKaSwad In this video, we're going to make a Ghee Mysore Pak recipe. It's a popular dish in the state of Karnataka in India, and it's perfect for a quick and easy sweet. If you're looking for a delicious and easy sweet, check out this Ghee Mysore Pak recipe! It'll be perfect for a quick and easy snack. Plus, it's a delicious and healthy dish that you can enjoy without having to spend a lot of money. Thanks for watching! For more videos, Stay Tuned & Subscribe to our channel! Gaanv Ka Swad 👉🏻https://bit.ly/GaanvKaSwad HIT THE BELL ICON FOR REGULAR UPDATES. 🙏Thanks for Watching our Video your support is my Motivation🙏 Follow Me on: Facebook: / gaanvkaswadhindi Instagram: / gaanvkaswad YouTube: https://bit.ly/GaanvKaSwad