How to Water Plants While on Vacation | पौधो को ऑटोमेटिकली पानी दे | Best Self Watering System

How to Water Plants While on Vacation | पौधो को ऑटोमेटिकली पानी दे | Best Self Watering System

This video shows automatic watering system for your household plants. When you are going for vacation, the biggest problem is who will water the plants. Let see the easiest way to setup the watering system at home within your budget. Product Links: Use tagged product or to purchase from Amazon use following links. 1. 18 W Water Pump (ELOVE 18 Watt Submersible Water Pump - 180V-230V): 2. Timer (Blackt Electrotech 230V 24x7 Energy Saving Socket Type Digital Programmable Plastic Electronic Timer): I have tried different methods such as using wet cotton strips, keeping excessive water below the pot or giving the keys to someone, so that he/she can water the plants (Not good option). So finally I decided to find the reliable solution. First idea came to my mind was using solenoid valve, to control the tap water. But many household/flats do not have tap in their balcony, hence this option was eliminated. Everyone can store the water, so i decided to use water pump to lift the water from the storage and timer to automate the water system. I personally used this system for complete week, with alternate day watering program and it worked like charm. You can scale this system for complete month as well, just you need to take bigger storage. #diybuddy #wateringplants #automaticwatersystem #selfwatersystem #plantsonvacation #project #diyproject #innovative #diyidea #healthyplants #wateryourplants #selfwatering #dripirrigation #wateronvcation