Exercise 17.2 Question 5 Class 10 | #Sindh_Board | #Karachi_Board | the educational hub

Exercise 17.2 Question 5 Class 10 | #Sindh_Board | #Karachi_Board | the educational hub

In this video we have discussed exercise 17.2 Question 5 complete of sets and functions types of numbers and other basic concepts by sir shuja. Difference in sets n number of sets Compliment of Sets Exercise 17.2 Question 5 Exercise 17.2 Q5 Ex 17.2 Question 5 Ex 17.2 Question 5 complete Universal set, #intersection #compliment Union operation, #intersection #complimentofset #difference #symmetric_difference Types of sets Class X Maths Ch 17:    • Class X Maths Ch 17   Class IX maths Ch 7 :    • Exercise 7.1 Question 1 & 2 Class 9/1...   Class IX Ch 5:    • Class IX Ch 5 Complete   Maths Tricks :    • Maths Trick   Ch 6 Maths IX:    • Exercise 6.1 Q1 Complete | Class 9 Si...   Ch 4 Maths IX/X:    • Class IX Maths Ch 4   Ch 3 Maths IX:    • Class 9 Chapter 3   Ch 1 Maths IX:    • Class 9 Ch 1 maths Sindh Board   Ch 2 Maths IX:    • Ch 2 Maths Class 9   Ch 1 Chem IX:    • Ch 1 Chemistry IX   Ch 2 Physics IX:    • ch 2 physics class 9   Equations of motion:    • Equations of Motion Physics   English grammar:    • Basic English Grammar series   Urdu grammar:    • Urdu Grammar series   Sindhi :    • Sindhi Language complete   #graphs #linear_graphs #lineargraphs #chapter_7_class_9_maths #lineargraphs_and_applications #question1 #question4 #mathematics #maths #class_IX #class_9 #sir_shuja #class_IX #the_educational_hub #basic_maths #sets #set_introduction #introduction_to_sets #chapter_17 #Sindh_board #karachi_board #class_x_maths #class_X #17_2 #17.2 #Exercise17.2 #question4 #shuja #sirshuja #question5 For details: WhatsApp: 03414312950/ +923414312950 Facebook:   / theeducationalhub99   Instagram: shuja_mohiuddin YouTube:    / @theeducationalhub99   #exercise17_2 #sets #numbers #question5