smallest animal in the world | amazing facts short video | #shorts #animals #facts

smallest animal in the world | amazing facts short video | #shorts #animals #facts

smallest animal in the world | amazing facts short video | #shorts #animals #facts The smallest known animal is the bumblebee bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai), which weighs only about 2 grams (0.07 ounces) and has a wingspan of approximately 5.7 inches (14.5 cm). Native to parts of Thailand and Myanmar, it is about the size of a large bumblebee, with its body measuring only around 1.1–1.3 inches (2.8–3.3 cm) in length. Its tiny size and remarkable agility make it one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. Your query smallest animals in the world,smallest animal in the world,smallest animals,top 10 smallest animals in the world,smallest animal,world's smallest animals,smallest animals on earth,smallest animals ever,smallest animal on earth,10 smallest animals in the world,animals,top 5 smallest animals in the world,the 3 smallest animals in the world,smallest animal in the world ever recorded,top 10 most smallest animals in the world amazing facts,facts,amazing facts in hindi,top 3 amazing facts in hindi,shorts,top 3 amazing facts,facts shorts,top 3 amazing facts best,interesting facts,3 amazing facts,random facts,short video,3 amazing facts in hindi,short fact video,the amazing facts,facts in hindi,amazing facts in telugu,facts video,#shorts,amazing random facts,shorts video,fact shorts,youtube shorts,facts beast,facttechz new video 2021,stubborn facts,trending facts smallest animal in the world top 10 smallest animal in the world smallest animal in the world microscopic most smallest animal in the world biggest and smallest animal in the world top 10 most smallest animal in the world 7 smallest animal in the world smallest animal in the world the smallest animal in the whole entire world smallest animal in the whole amazing facts short video amazing facts short video amazing facts short video animals amazing facts short video funny amazing facts short video kaise banaye amazing facts short video in english amazing facts short video about world amazing facts short video in hindi amazing facts short video new amazing facts short video comedy amazing facts short video bangla smallest animal smallest animal in the world smallest animal sounds smallest animal to biggest animal smallest animal video smallest animal name smallest animal drawing world smallest animal sounds smallest animal baby top 10 smallest animal in the world what is the smallest animal on earth christmas history amazing facts about the world in bengali general knowledge quiz multiple choice facts you didnt know amazing facts short video bangla facts video facts shorts in english human body facts brightside Some amazing facts about world  interesting facts general knowledge facts about space and the universe facts about world  real life lore geography human brain facts video science facts shorts science facts shorts interesting science facts shorts interesting science facts shorts #facts #shorts #animals #smallestanimals #factsinhindi #viralshort #viralfacts