🌈 Learn Colors for Kids | Rainbow Song | Mooseclumps | Educational Videos and Songs for Kids
Join the Mooseclumps Fan Club! ➜ https://mooseclumps.com/fanclub | Sing along and learn the seven colors of the RAINBOW during brain breaks and circle time with Mooseclumps! Join Mooseclumps as we explore colors - RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, and VIOLET! - in this educational learning song for kids, toddlers, kindergarten, preschool, and special needs education students and classrooms. This song goes really well with The Let's Bake A Cake Song: • 🎂 Let's Bake a Cake! | Mooseclumps | ... and The ABC Song: • 🔤 ABC Song | Learn the Alphabet, Lett... Join our Fan Club!: https://www.mooseclumps.com/fanclub Visit our Shop: https://mooseclumps.com Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/mooseclumps Instagram: / mooseclumps Facebook: / mooseclumps 00:05 Introduction 00:27 Red 00:42 Orange 00:55 Yellow 01:10 Green 01:24 Blue 01:52 Indigo 02:06 Violet 02:29 Overview of all colors #learncolors #rainbowsong #mooseclumps