🍥 The Smart Cookie || 📖 Read Aloud No. 26 || Storytime with Ms. Taneisha

🍥 The Smart Cookie || 📖 Read Aloud No. 26 || Storytime with Ms. Taneisha

đź“š The Smart Cookie Written by: Jory John Illustrated by: Pete Oswald Hello Readers!! Read aloud curated by She Reads Kids Books The gift of creative writing should be celebrated! Please support the authors and publishers of the books presented through this platform. Amazon Link: The Smart Cookie (The Food Group) https://a.co/d/0R8Epao Public libraries are also a great resource to check out some of these awesome reads. Nothing can replace the connection of in-person bedtime or daytime stories read-aloud with the family. Turning the actual crisp paper page to reveal the next great adventure or storyline cannot be replaced.đź“š đź“šHere at SRKB we aim to add to this precious time of leaning, bonding, and fun with the goal of peaking kids interest in reading. Follow me on: ➡️Facebook @shereadskidsbooks   / shereadskidsbooks   ➡️Instagram @shereadskidsbooks ➡️TiKTok @shereadskidsbooks Business Inquires: FREE If you would like for me to read your children’s book, please reach out! Email: [email protected] —————————————————- #thesmartcookie #joryjohn #peteoswald #confidence #socialemotionallearning #special #bakery #cookies #cookiejar #gingerbreadhouse #unique #thefoodgroupseries #funread #kidsbooksonline #goodnight #bedtimestory #timeforsleep #sleep #kidsnighttimeroutine #nighttime #ChildrensBooks #StorytimeFun #iamasmartcookie #courage #newyorktimesbestseller #kidsbooksreadaloud #kidsbooks #readaloud #shereadskidsbooks #storytime #read #kids