How to Build a Automotive Smoke Machine (Vacuum Leak Detector)

How to Build a Automotive Smoke Machine (Vacuum Leak Detector)

This is a great way to find vacuum, exhaust, and engine leaks. Easy and fun to build. I have a P0422 and P0455 code on my 04 Jeep Grand Cherokee indicating a small and large leak in the EVAP system and the easiest way to find a vacuum leak is to apply smoke to the system and smoke will appear where there is a leak. I'll show you how to build and use this inexpensive smoke machine. CAUTION should be used when using a smoke machine. Always hook up the air hose first and make sure to turn down the air pressure to only 1 to 2 psi and only then can the alligator clips be hooked to the battery. After watching many other vacuum smoke leak detection videos I found the BREW2L my favorite, this video is based on his version of his vacuum leak detector. Here is a link to BREW2L's MR. FUSION build    • THE BEST SMOKE TESTER YOU CAN BUILD!!...   Donate to Help Support Channel Amazon Affiliate PVC DWV FTG Cleanout Adapter with Cap 12 Piece Replacement Torch Wicks Resistance Wire 22 AWG 100 Feet 2-1/4-Inch Male NPT, Air Compressor Fittings Car Cigarette Lighter Socket with Battery Alligator Clips Extension Cable, 15A Fuse (5FT) Clear Vinyl Tubing - 3/8" I.D. x 10' Rubber Grommet 1/4" pack of 6 Rubber Stopper Plug 16-14AWG Insulated Terminals Ring Electrical Wire Crimp Connectors Ring Crimp Terminals Connectors Assortment Kit Oatey PVC Cements, 8 oz, Clear Redline Detection Smoke Producing Fluid - 8 oz Johnson's Baby Oil, Pure Mineral Oil Thomas & Betts Crimping Tool Auto-Ranging Digital Multimeter 3PCS Titanium Uni Step Drill Bit Set Smoke Cone Exhaust/Intake Boot Adapter eBay Affiliate 3" x 4" Inside, Total Knockout Closet Flange Disclaimer: FYI if you click any of the product links above and end up purchasing anything I MAY get paid a small commission at no extra charge. This is one of the ways you can support the channel. Your support helps me bring out more content for all of you. Martinbuilt assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Martinbuilt. Martinbuilt cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Facebook   / martinbuilt-2351766611763181