How to Make a Paper Fortune Teller - Easy Origami|Paper Fortune Teller
How to make a paper sword, how to make a paper katana, until the end of the video, we will teach you how to make a ninja sword, which is very simple. ---------------- Paper katana requirements A sheet of A4 paper Glue, scissors It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to make this origami sword The difficulty level of this origami is medium -------------------- Ninja sword or katana is a cold weapon used by Japanese ninjas and this weapon is so old that we taught you to make it with paper and fight with your friends and have fun without risk. ----------------- Please subscribe and like so that I can make more quality and powerful videos for you. Thank you♥️👇 https://youtube.com/@TheOrigamiEnigma... In this channel, you can easily learn origami and have fun with yourself Friends ------------ #Paperorigami #origamieasy #Origami Origami simple origami easy origami, craft paper craft origami craft origami sword sword craft, paper sword, origami katana katana craft, paper katana, origami kunai kunai craft, paper kunai, ninja sword ninja katana ninja kunai Japanese sword Japanese katana Japanese kunai origami ninjato