History Of Ancient China | Dynasties, Confucius, And The First Emperor

History Of Ancient China | Dynasties, Confucius, And The First Emperor

Sign up for an annual CuriosityStream subscription and you'll also get free access to Nebula (a new streaming platform I'm helping to build along with other creators). Use my promo code when signing up to get a 31-day free trial: https://curiositystream.com/cogito This is China. It's big. Most of your stuff probably comes from there and they have a solar farm shaped like a Panda. But most interestingly China is old. For as long as people have been talking about history there has been a China to point to. So how did China become the world's oldest continuous civilsation. What's a dynasty, who's Confucius, and is it ever ok bury people alive. Well. Let's find out. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO MY PATREON PLEASE SEE HERE.   / cogitoedu   Follow me on twitter   / cogitoedu   Or Reddit r/cogitoedu Or Facebook @CogitoYT MERCHANDISE https://cogitostore.teemill.com/ China - John Keay Max Weber, Hans H. Gerth (transl.) - The Religion of China_ Confucianism and Taoism John King Fairbank, Merle Goldman - China_ A New History-The Belknap Press (2006) Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Kwang-ching Liu - The Cambridge Illustrated History of China-Cambridge University Press (1999) M.Loewe , E.L.Shaughnessy - The Cambridge History of Ancient China-Cambridge University Press (1999) Confucius - The Analects Lee Dian Rainey - Confucius and Confucianism_ The Essentials (2010) Xinzhong Yao - An Introduction to Confucianism Berthron - Confucianism_ A Short Introduction https://www.jstor.org/stable/4314793 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/1... All images are taken from Creative Commons or used in accordance with fair use. If one of your images has been used and I have forgotten to attribute please contact me by email or on twitter I will instantly resolve that. Why have you scrolled this far down? No one reads down here. #China #AncientChina #ChineseHistory #Confucius Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator