POWERFUL PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL: EXPEL CURSES, SPELLS, ENVY AND ALL EVIL FROM YOUR LIFE! 🙏✨Welcome, my light family, to the channel " Angelic Shield". It’s a pleasure to have you here again! Let us begin the prayer, 🙏💖I believe and have faith that this prayer will change your life.✨ 📌 Video Index: 0:00 - Introduction: Know the power of prayer to Saint Michael Archangel 1:00 - Chapter 1: Who is Saint Michael Archangel and his importance in spirituality 1:20 - Chapter 2: Signs of negative influence and the need for spiritual protection 2:00 - Chapter 3: The prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel and its meaning 3:00 - Chapter 4: How to incorporate prayer in your daily life 4:00 - Chapter 5: Reports of experiences and testimonies 5:00 - Conclusion: Strengthen your faith and protect yourself with Saint Michael 🔔 Description: In this video, you will discover the POWERFUL PRAYER TO ST MICHAEL ARCHANGEL, an incredible spiritual tool to cast out plagues, spells, envy, curses and all evil from your life. Learn who Saint Michael the Archangel is, how to identify signs of negative influence and how to use this prayer to restore peace and balance in your life. We also share inspiring testimonies of people who have experienced the intercession of Saint Michael. Don’t miss this complete guide to strengthen your faith and protect yourself against the forces of evil! 🙏 Complete Prayer in Video: "Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in combat. Be our refuge against the evils and traps of the devil..." 📩 Contact: Any requirements, send us an email: [[email protected]] 📢 Tags: #PowerfulPrayer #SaintMichaelArchangel #SpiritualProtection #Cast OutEvil #Spells #Envy #Curses #PrayerForProtection #Faith #Spirituality #SpiritualCombat #NegativeEnergies #Testimonies #ChristianPrayer #SpiritualDefense 🎥 Credits: All rights belong to their respective owners. 👉 Subscribe to the channel for more faith content, spiritual protection and powerful prayers. Activate the bell so you don’t miss any video! #sãomiguelarcanjo #powerfulprayer #sãoomiguel #sãoomiguelarcanjo #prayer #momentsofprayer